Dogs can be a great part
of a family, and can also offer your children a life long
companion! Here you will find some great tips to making living with
children and pets possible. Tips on selecting the right dog for
your family, ideas on how your children can help with the dog
responsibilities, tips on preventing dog bites, and
Kids and Pets | Will It Work?- Wondering how your child can help your dog? Or wondering how to keep your child healthy and safe around a dog?
How to Choose a Dog for Your Child- When choosing a dog for you child you should consider several factors since not all dogs are right for all children. Here are some tips to help.
Kids and Dogs Safety Tip Sheet- Teaching children the do's and don'ts regarding animals is among one of the most important lessons you'll ever teach them.
May I Pet Your Dog?- Education is the key to empowering children in a variety of situations to make smart and safer choices. This is true when it comes to dogs.
A Night Out for Mom & Dad- Is your babysitter watching the kids and your k9 family member? It is important that parents learn about safe kid & k9 interaction so that they can help plan and prepare anyone who will be responsible for their children while they are away from home.